Swede Hollow History Trolley Tours
May 9 and May 16, 1999
When the Friends of Swede Hollow learned that the Great American History Theatre was going to have a play about Swede Hollow they began to think of ways to increase the number of people who love Swede Hollow Park. Eventually the idea of taking people on a tour through Swede Hollow developed.
May 9 and May 16, 1999
When the Friends of Swede Hollow learned that the Great American History Theatre was going to have a play about Swede Hollow they began to think of ways to increase the number of people who love Swede Hollow Park. Eventually the idea of taking people on a tour through Swede Hollow developed.
The Swede Hollow play was a great success. People from all over flocked to see it.
Many people took a Swede Hollow Trolley Tour that followed afternoon performances of the play.
The first stop on the Swede Hollow Trolley Tour was Swede Hollow Park, of course.
One of the young actresses from the play decided to see Swede Hollow for herself.
The Trolley Tours ended the afternoon at Swede Hollow Cafe.
There were refreshments and presentations at the Swede Hollow Cafe
Olivia Dodge received the Best Friend of Swede Hollow from 1976-1996 Award. Olivia has worked very hard with the community. The award was designed by Troy Trooien. L to R: Karin DuPaul, Troy Trooien, Olivia Dodge and Colleen Ashton.
Don Gange and Ed Olsen from the Department of Parks and Recreation received the Best Friend of Swede Hollow Award for 1997. L to R: Ed Olsen, Dan Gange, Kristen Dawkins, and Troy Trooien.
Tracy Moe from the Department of Public Works Division of Bridge Engineering received the Friend of Swede Hollow Award for 1998. Above: Jeff McNaughton, Joe Lee and Dave Perkins (although not necessarily in that order).
The Mother’s Day Trolley Tour had a flower
presentation to a number of Mothers in attendance. L to R: Angela DuPaul and Colleen Ashton.
presentation to a number of Mothers in attendance. L to R: Angela DuPaul and Colleen Ashton.